Saturday : so basically I just slacked at home that day..than when to Holland Village for guitar class at 3 than went home after that to slack again..pretty boring..for those who do not know which guitar class I am in it's the Academy Of Rock..

Sunday : Ok Sunday..again.. slacked..half of the day only than went to Causeway Point..ate some food..walk some steps and than watched Shrek..=)..been waiting to watch it..and finally did..the was an exciting but not very funny movie..I think the previous one's are better...

Monday : Which is the first week of holiday...I think I slacked..yeah I did..than went to play soccer i the afternoon..

Tuesday : Slacked and recorded Shredtastic Part 1..Check it out on my FACEBOOK aites...

Wednesday : Pretty fun..played soccer..than met this kid..made friends with the 8 year old..than TRIED to make Jacqueline play soccer..but FAILED..=(..

Thursday which is Today : SLACKED AND ROTTED THE WHOLE DAY

Yeah so that was my first week of holiday..pretty boring but I enjoyed it..Hey it beats if anyone would like to catch a movie or go somewhere or slack somewhere and SOMEHOW nobody wants to go with door is always open..
But you gotta tell me beforehand cause I hate it when people suddenly say.." Hey Let's Go to BLAH..BLAH..BLAH..and BLAH..BLAH..BLAH.. " ..and by beforehand I mean a day or two before..not like an hour or two before..
And I'm going to Malaysia tomorrow and we'll be back next Thursday don't contact me than..( Haish..who would even contact me..=(..) Just a reminder..It's not like I'm expecting or anything..err..-.-'..
Man ! This post is loong and booring..Ok I'll wrap it up by telling you that I will be in D'Farmosa resort cum chalet in Malacca for a outing for 9 families which includes mine and my father's friend's for the next 3 days..than after that will be spending the remaining 4 days in that is all..I'm sorry that this a really long post..I'm just really bored today..Ok SEE YA IN A WEEK !! =D