Supps ! Havent been blogging lately..I've been sick for this past three days..anyway..I said that I wanna talk about the second thing rite..I figured that its no use talking about the past..It already happened..So I'm gonna talk about today..Yeah I'm sick and was left alone at home yesterday and parents had to send my grandfather to Larkin and they were back at 2am..I was starving...but I survived

( I played this game..) one is at home,my parents went to usual I had no food..So I dig in to find any junk food I can..
As usual when I'm bored and slacking..I will plug in my PS3 to the big screen TV in my living room and with my laptop beside,I'll play music really loud..that to me is..ULTRA-SLACKING..I did that for the past two days..

( And this game too..)
So while I was eating all the junk food I can find,I ran out of edible food..So I was starting to get really hungry..I could buy something to eat but I lost the money and the only money I had left is 5 bucks..So I don't know how to cook..( But I scored 29/30 for my home econ last year *wink* )
So I have no choice but to go eat at my aunts house..which is not that far away..and not that near either..So after I ate..I went to Shop and Save to buy anything that I can with 5 bucks..So I bought a can of Strawberry Whipped Cream and a can of Evervess drink..
That's the Whipped Cream
and that's the drink...
While on the way back I opened the can of whipped cream and pour it on my mouth..
I did something like that..Except..there was no hot girl to do it for me..=(
I tasted it..and I realized that Whipped Cream is not the same as it was particularly useless to I just sprayed it on the floor as I walk..I even sprayed it on a bike..
The you can see..melted..
Since the Sun was blazing started to melt and all that was coming out was liquid cream..
It kinda looks like S****..XD
So i placed it in the freezer..after 10minutes..its frozen and nothing could come out..and the drink..I tasted it..It taste like S*** !! I mean seriously !! It was the worst drink I have ever had I I threw everything away..and when I opened my fridge..I saw there was still some leftover cake from father's day..and I realized that I could have put Whipped Cream on top of the cake..So in the end..It was a completely waste of money and it was truly an EPIC FAILURE..

While on the way back I opened the can of whipped cream and pour it on my mouth..

I did something like that..Except..there was no hot girl to do it for me..=(
I tasted it..and I realized that Whipped Cream is not the same as it was particularly useless to I just sprayed it on the floor as I walk..I even sprayed it on a bike..

Since the Sun was blazing started to melt and all that was coming out was liquid cream..

So i placed it in the freezer..after 10minutes..its frozen and nothing could come out..and the drink..I tasted it..It taste like S*** !! I mean seriously !! It was the worst drink I have ever had I I threw everything away..and when I opened my fridge..I saw there was still some leftover cake from father's day..and I realized that I could have put Whipped Cream on top of the cake..So in the end..It was a completely waste of money and it was truly an EPIC FAILURE..